Saturday, November 27, 2010

क्षेत्र में नहीं दिखते लेटर बाक्स

 (लखीसराय) संसू. : सूचना तंत्र के इस युग में ईमेल, कुरियर तथा मोबाइल एसएमएस सेवा ने अपना एक अलग स्थान बना लिया है। यही कारण है कि लोग अब चिट्टी लिखना भी भूल गए हैं। प्रखंड क्षेत्र में इस कारण लेटर बाक्स भी नहीं दिखता है। इसके पीछे डाक विभाग की उदासीनता भी मानी जा सकती है। चानन प्रखंड जैसे सुदूर जंगली व देहाती क्षेत्रों में ऐसे कोई स्थान नहीं है कि जहां आम लोग पत्र डाल सके। यूं तो प्रखंड के कई गांवों में डाकघर खुले हैं और पोस्ट मैन बहाल भी है वहां लेटर बाक्स दीवार की शोभा बढ़ा रहे हैं। उसमें पत्र डाला नहीं जाता है। मोबाइल के माध्यम से बातचीत व एसएमएस से हर कोई अब आसान तरीके से सस्ते दर से सीधा बातचीत कर ले रहे हैं

Friday, October 29, 2010

लखीसराय : नीतीश बनाम ललन में जंग

लखीसराय। 168 लखीसराय विधानसभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र पर सूबे की नजर है। मुंगेर के सांसद राजीव रंजन सिंह उर्फ ललन सिंह का यह प्रिय क्षेत्र है। जबकि राज्य के सहकारिता मंत्री गिरिराज सिंह का गृह विधानसभा क्षेत्र। पिछले विधानसभा चुनाव में दोनों महारथी गठबंधन के तहत एकसाथ थे, इसके बावजूद राजग यह सीट हासिल नहीं कर सकी और प्रत्याशी लगभग 80 मतों से पराजित हो गए। इस बार का सीन ही कुछ अलग है। सांसद ललन विरोध में खड़े हैं और सीधे मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार को निशाने पर ले रखे हैं। यह सीट गठबंधन के तहत भाजपा के खाते में है। प्रत्याशी विजय कुमार सिन्हा हैं जिन्हें लगातार तीसरी बार मैदान में हैं। अपने पहले मौके में वे वर्ष 2005 के चुनाव में राजद के फुलैना सिंह को पराजित कर दिए थे लेकिन बिहार विधानसभा का गठन नहीं होने के कारण छह माह के अंदर हुए चुनाव में वे पराजित हो गए। पूरे पांच साल की सुशासन सरकार में लखीसराय में भी विकास की किरण दिखाई दे रही है। इसका श्रेय जहां विधानसभा चुनाव के दौरान राजग प्रत्याशी लेने में लगे हैं वहीं सांसद ललन सिंह अपने अगुवाई में विकास होने का दावा कर रहे हैं। प्रत्याशियों के बीच कांटे की टक्कर है। वहीं सांसद ललन सिंह एवं मुख्यमंत्री दोनों के लिए यह सीट प्रतिष्ठा की बनी हुई है। चूंकि सांसद और मुख्यमंत्री दोनों के बीच आर-पार की लड़ाई चल रही है और दोनों के लिए यह सीट जितने की चुनौती है। कांग्रेस प्रत्याशी रामशंकर शर्मा बागी प्रत्याशी अजय कुमार सिंह से जूझ रहे हैं वहीं राजग के दो दलों भाजपा एवं जद यू के बीच तालमेल का अभाव दिख रहा है। दोनों दलों में पैठ का अभाव का असर यह देखा जा रहा है कि भाजपा प्रत्याशी के साथ एक भी जद यू कार्यकर्ता साथ नहीं चल रहे हैं। मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार का कार्यक्रम इस क्षेत्र में नहीं होने से राजग प्रत्याशी की जीत के साथ-साथ गठबंधन पर भी सवाल खड़ा हो गया है। हालांकि इसी विधानसभा क्षेत्र के बड़हिया निवासी और राज्य के सहकारिता मंत्री गिरिराज सिंह जी तोड़ मेहनत अपने प्रत्याशी की जीत के लिए कर रहे हैं। कल तक साथ-साथ चलने वाले ललन सिंह एवं गिरिराज सिंह आज अलग-अलग हैं। उधर राजद के फुलैना सिंह दुबारा बाजी मारने को लेकर स्वजातीय सवर्ण के साथ-साथ एमवाई समीकरण एवं पिछड़ी जाति के वोटों को आधार मान रहे हैं। कुल 15 प्रत्याशियों के बीच राजद, राजग और कांग्रेस के अलावा कांग्रेस के बागी निर्दलीय अजय कुमार सिंह के बीच वोटों की संधमारी चल रही है, बाजी कौन मार लेंगे इसका इंतजार है। 
सूत्र :- जागरण 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

लाल आतंक : जेल की सुरक्षा पर खतरा बरकरार

लखीसराय। कजरा मुठभेड़ के पहले से ही नक्सलियों ने लखीसराय जेल, समाहरणालय और न्यायालय को उड़ा देने की धमकी दी थी। बाद में 29 अगस्त को एक बड़ी घटना हुई और आठ पुलिस कर्मी नक्सलियों की गोलियों के निशाने बने। तीन पुलिस कर्मी मौत के मुंह से किसी तरह बचकर निकले। इसके बावजूद जिला मुख्यालय पर से नक्सलियों की नजर नहीं हटी है। स्थानीय जेल में बंद साथी नक्सलियों को छुड़ाने के फिराक में संगठन के लोग लगे हैं। यही वजह है कि वहां की हर गतिविधि की जानकारी नक्सली ले रहे हैं। शनिवार की शाम पुलिस गिरफ्त में आया नक्सली भोला महतो इसी मंशा से एसपी आवास, समाहरणालय और कोर्ट एरिया का चक्कर लगा रहा था। हालांकि इसके बाद हरकत में आया जिला प्रशासन ने तीन हार्डकोर नक्सलियों को भागलपुर सेंट्रल जेल रविवार की सुबह भेज दिया। मगर अब भी एक दर्जन से अधिक नक्सली यहां के जेल में कैद है। ऐसे में अब भी नक्सली खतरा मंडरा रहा है।
गौरतलब है कि 05 सितंबर को जमुई में गिरफ्तार नक्सली पिंकू यादव एवं बहादुर यादव, कजरा में गिरफ्तार पैक्स प्रबंधक वेद प्रकाश एवं अंकज कुमार, चानन में गिरफ्तार कृष्ण कुमार कोड़ा उर्फ कृष्णा, 8 सितंबर को चानन थाना क्षेत्र के इलाके से गिरफ्तार चार नक्सली कपिल कोड़ा, शत्रुघ्न कोड़ा, विनोद मरांडी एवं राजेंद्र हेम्ब्रम, 13 सितंबर को जमुई से गिरफ्तार बडू कोड़ा उर्फ श्याम सुंदर कोड़ा, 23 सितंबर को भागलपुर में गिरफ्तार अमलेश कुमार सिंह उर्फ मनीष, कजरा क्षेत्र से गिरफ्तार गोपाल हेम्ब्रम एवं राजेश मुर्मू 29 अगस्त को कजरा नक्सली-पुलिस मुठभेड़ मामले में लखीसराय जेल में कैद है। इसके अलाव पूर्व से ही जय पासवान सहित कुछ अन्य नक्सली स्थानीय जेल के अंदर है। इसमें से पिंकू यादव, बहादुर यादव, श्याम सुंदर कोड़ा उर्फ बडू कोड़ा, अमलेश कुमार सिंह उर्फ मनीष, जय पासवान, कपिल कोड़ा, शत्रुघ्न कोड़ा, विनोद मरांडी, राजेंद्र हेम्ब्रम, गोपाल हेम्ब्रम, राजेश मुर्मू आदि हार्डकोर नक्सली हैं जिसने बीएमपी के सीएसआई लुकस टेटे की हत्या की बात भी स्वीकारी थी। इधर उक्त नक्सलियों के लखीसराय जेल में बंद रहने के बाद से नक्सलियों की नजर जेल पर टिकी हुई है। अब वे अपने साथियों को छुड़ाने के फिराक में है। इसको लेकर सुरक्षा व्यवस्था का जायजा लेने में संगठन जुट गया है।
Source:- Jagran

Monday, September 13, 2010

जंग-ए-आजादी की दास्तां कह रहा हाहा बंगला

लखीसराय। बड़हिया नगर पंचायत के वार्ड नंबर 6 स्थित हाहा बंगला आज भी जंग-ए-आजादी की दस्ता बयां कर रहा है। यहां आजादी के पहले गुलामी की जंजीर को तोड़ने के लिए रणनीति बनती थी। आज प्रशासन, जनप्रतिनिधियों एंव आम लोगों की उदासीनता के लिए जाना जाता है। यह ऐतिहासिक धरोहर आज हाहा बंगला के बदले भूत बंगला बनता जा रहा है। जानकारी के मुताबिक जंग-ए-आजादी की लड़ाई के समय इस हाहा बंगला की स्थापना बड़हिया के स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों एवं क्रांतिकारियों के द्वारा 1902 में की गयी थी। यहां क्रांतिकारियों की गुप्त बैठकें हुआ करती थी तथा रणनीतियां निर्धारित कर उंची इमारत से छिपकर गोरे फिरंगियों पर नजर रखी जाती थी। इस बंगले पर असहयोग आंदोलन के समय राष्ट्रीय पाठशाला की भी स्थापना की गयी थी। आजादी की लड़ाई के क्रम में यहां स्वामी सहजानंद सरस्वती, डा. श्रीकृष्ण सिंह, जयप्रकाश नारायण, गणेश दत्त सिंह, कार्यानंद शर्मा, दीपनारायण सिंह आदि राष्ट्रीय नेताओं का आगमन हुआ था। परंतु आजादी के बाद इस ऐतिहासिक बंगले की हालत बदतर होने लगी। जहां पहले देश की आजादी की चर्चा होती थी वहीं आज अपराध की चर्चा होती है। यह बंगला वीरान एवं मरम्मत एवं रख रखाव के अभाव में जर्जर हो गया है। क्षेत्र के बुद्धिजीवियों ने इस संबंध में बताया कि मां बाला त्रिपुर सुंदरी मंदिर के बाद बड़हिया में अगर कोई ऐतिहासिक स्थल है तो वह हाहा बंगला है। अगर प्रशासनिक स्तर से इसके संरक्षण एवं जीर्णोद्धार की पहल की जाए तो इस ऐतिहासिक विरासत को भविष्य के लिए संजोया जा सकता है। 
सूत्र :- जागरण 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

अब गुमराह की नीति पर माओवादी

Sep 04, 01:13 am
लखीसराय। जिले के कजरा थाना क्षेत्र के कानीमोह के जंगलों में पुलिस-नक्सली मुठभेड़ में भारी सफलता हासिल करने के बाद नक्सली संगठन के सदस्य विगत पांच दिनों से पुलिस प्रशासन को गुमराह कर सुरक्षित ठिकाने पर पहुंचने की जुगत में लगे हुए हैं। इस जंगल के पहाड़ों पर अब भी पांच सौ से अधिक नक्सली मौजूद हैं। अब वे वहां से निकलने की जुगत में हैं। पुलिस प्रशासन की दृढ़ इच्छा शक्ति की कमी एवं ठोस रणनीति के अभाव में भले ही अभी तक नक्सली संगठन के सदस्य जान बचाने में सफल रहे हैं। परंतु नक्सली संगठन के सदस्य अभी तक सुरक्षित ठिकाने तक नहीं पहुंच पाए हैं। खासकर कजरा थाना क्षेत्र के सिमरातरी कोड़ासी गांव के समीप शुक्रवार को एक पुलिस जवान लुकस टेटे की लाश पाए जाने से यह तय है कि नक्सलियों द्वारा तीन अन्य बंधक बनाए गए पुलिस कर्मियों को भी कजरा के जंगलों में ही छिपाकर रखा गया है। लेकिन दृढ़ इच्छा शक्ति की कमी के कारण पुलिस प्रशासन अब तक नक्सलियों के विरूद्ध कार्रवाई करने की बात तो दूर बंधक बनाए गए पुलिस कर्मियों को खोजने तक का हिम्मत नहीं जुटा पायी है। इधर नक्सली संगठन के जोनल प्रवक्ता अविनाश मीडिया के माध्यम से बार-बार बंधक पुलिस कर्मियों के एवज में जेल में बंद आठ नक्सलियों को छोड़ने की मांग कर पुलिस प्रशासन को गुमराह करने में लगा है। इतना ही न हीं सर्च अभियान चलाने पर बंधक पुलिस कर्मियों की हत्या करने की भी धमकी दे चुका है। आश्चर्य की बात यह है कि गत गुरुवार को लगभग दो बजे नक्सली जोनल प्रवक्ता ने मीडिया को बताया कि उनकी मांग नहीं माने जाने के कारण माणिकपुर ओपी के एसएचओ अभय कुमार यादव की हत्या कर दी गयी है। उक्त खबर के बाद रात भर पुलिस प्रशासन एवं मीडिया कर्मी अभय की लाश के लिए भटकते रहे। परंतु शुक्रवार की सुबह सिमरातरी कोड़ासी के समीप पुलिस कर्मी लुकस टेटे की लाश पायी गयी। नक्सलियों द्वारा छोड़े गए पर्चे में तीन पुलिस कर्मियों माणिकपुर ओपी के एसएचओ अभय कुमार यादव, प्रशिक्षु अवर निरीक्षक रूपेश कुमार एवं एहतेशाम खान के जीवित रहने की बात कही गयी है। इससे साफ जाहिर होता है कि नक्सली संगठन के सदस्य पुलिस प्रशासन को गुमराह कर अपनी रोटियां सेंक रहा है।
Link :- Jagran

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

अशोकधाम : जलाभिषेक को ले उमड़ा सैलाब

लखीसराय। सावन महीने के अंतिम सोमवार पर सोमवार को अशोक धाम स्थित श्री इन्द्रदमनेश्वर महादेव मंदिर में भगवान भोले शंकर एवं माता पार्वती पर जलाभिषेक करने श्रद्धालुओं का सैलाब उमड़ पड़ा। मंदिर प्रशासन के अनुसार पचास हजार से भी अधिक भक्तों ने अंतिम सोमवारी के दिन भोलेनाथ का दर्शन किया। भीड़ को नियंत्रित करने के लिये महिला एवं पुरूष पुलिस बल के अलावा भारत स्काउट एवं गाइड लगे हुए थे। सिमरिया स्थित गंगा तट समेत जिले के विभिन्न ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों से भारी संख्या में महिला श्रद्धालुओं की भीड़ पैदल चल कर जलाभिषेक किया। सूर्यगढ़ा, जाप्र. के अनुसार : सावन के अंतिम सोमवार को मुख्यालय स्थित सिद्ध पीठ बाबा गौरी शंकर धाम, बूढ़ा नाथ मंदिर, साकेत धाम ठाकुरबाड़ी, सलेमपुर गांव स्थित ठाकुरबाड़ी, पुरानी बाजार स्थित शिवालय आदि में स्थापित शिवलिंग पर श्रद्धालुओं द्वारा जलाभिषेक कर पूजा-अर्चना की गई। मेदनीचौकी, संसू. के अनुसार : सावन के अंतिम सोमवार पर मेदनी चौकी क्षेत्र स्थित शिवालयों में जलाभिषेक हेतु श्रद्धालु भक्तों की भीड़ उमड़ पड़ी। इस अवसर पर ऋषि, झपानी, किरणपुर, खावा चंद्रटोला, मेदनीचौकी, अमरपुर, देवघड़ा, रसूलपुर स्थित शिव मंदिर में सुबह से ही युवक युवतियों की भीड़ लगी रही। पीरी बाजार, संसू. के अनुसार : क्षेत्र के बसौनी, अभयपुर, लोशघानी, घोसैठ आदि गांवों में सावन की अंतिम सोमवारी की धूम रही। शिवालयों में हर तरफ हर हर महादेव का जयघोष होते रहा।
Source:- Jagran

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Students Pull Down Black Flag Hoisted by Reds in Gaya

GAYA: Showing rare courage and patriotism, students of Dumaria-based Magra High School pulled down the black flag hoisted by Maoists on the school premises on Sunday, and re-hoisted a Tricolour. The students including girls, also raised anti-Maoist slogans forcing the half-a-dozen Maoists beat a hasty retreat.

According to reports reaching here, as soon as Magra High School officiating principal Deena Nath Verma hoisted the Tricolour, a group of half-a-dozen motorcycle-borne armed Maoists arrived at the school pulled down the Tricolour and hoisted a black flag in its place.

Reacting instantly, a girl student pulled down the black flag and re-hoisted the national Tricolour. The ultras were taken aback by the courage shown by the girl who was immediately joined by other students. Sensing trouble, the rebels left the place but not before firing several rounds in the air in a bid to scare away the students. The students, thereafter, took out a protest march against the Maoists and exhorted the local shopkeepers to down their shutters to protest against Maoists. The shopkeepers instantly obliged.

Sherghati SDPO Mahendra Prasad said a case against unidentified persons has been lodged in connection with hoisting of black flag at Magra High School.

District education officerBrajesh Ojha was all praise for the students and said they had the full support of villagers. The DEO said he has sought a report from the school principal and would recommend award for the brave children.
Source :- Times of India

Sunday, August 15, 2010

जय बिहार

हिन्दी मेरी जननी है , मराठी बोलने मैने सीखा है , तमिल , तेलगु , मलयाली,
बंगाली और भी अन्य भाषावो मे मै गाने सुनता हु , अंग्रेजी मेरी जिविका का
एक साधन है , गुजराती पकवान पसन्द करता हु , पंजाबी और हरियाणवी का जोर
मुझमे है लेकिन मेरी भाषा ( भोजपुरी ) मेरी पहचान है और मुझे भोजपुरिया
होने पे गर्व है ।
जिया भोजपुरी , जय भोजपुरी ...जय बिहार

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Shravan:- The Religious Months For Hindus

Shravan (Hindi Month) is the Religious Month for Hindu Religion. In North India There are only one Jyotirlinga is in Deogarh (Vaidhnath Dham),its in Jharkhand earlier Deogarh was in Bihar.  The Hindi month of Sharvan is of great importance at the LordShiva Temple at Deogharh in Jharkhand, popularly known as the Baba Baidyanath Dham. In 2010, Shravani Mela begins on July 27 and ends on August 24. Thousands of Shiva devotees from India,Nepal and from other countries around the world undertake a pilgrimage from Sultanganj to Baba Baidyanath TempleThe month-long fair is also known as Shrabani Mela. The River Ganga flows northwards at Sultanganj. It is the only place where theGanga flows towards North. Sultanganj to Deogarh Pilgrims walk around 105 KM to reach Loard Shiva Temple. Pilgrims collect Gangajal, holy water from Ganga, at Sultanganj and carry it to the Deoghar Shiva Temple. The Gangajal is used to bathe the Shivaling here which is one among the Jyotirlings – 12 Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva.
There is a widespread belief among Hindus in North India that offering Ganga water from Sultanganj to Lord Shiva at Deoghar is highly auspicious and it will help in removing ignorance and help in fulfilling their desires. The pilgrims that carry Ganga water are referred as Kanwarias.
Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva and therefore heavy rush is witnessed on this day at the shrine. The Mondays in Sharvan month is highly auspicious and people perform the Shravan Somvar Vrat.
Deoghar Baidyanath Dham is also referred as RavaneshwarMahadev Temple as it is believed that the ‘Shivling’ worshipped in the temple belonged to Ravana of Lanka. The Shivling was cunningly stolen and placed at Deoghar by Lord Vishnu.
Every Year In this Month Of Shravan Laks of Laks of devotee Visited Deogarh.
Shloka Dedicated for Lord Shiva.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

लखीसराय:-विकास की धुंधली तस्वीर में बीत गए 15 साल

लखीसराय। पुराने मुंगेर जिले से पंद्रह वर्ष पूर्व अलग हुए लखीसराय जिले के सोलहवें स्थापना दिवस की तैयारी कर ली गई। शनिवार को जिला मुख्यालय में 16 वां स्थापना दिवस मनाया जाएगा। विगत पंद्रह वर्षो में विकास की बयार बही लेकिन यह जिला मानचित्र के अलावा और कही दिख नहीं रहा है। जहां जिलाधिकारी बैठकर विकास को आयाम देते हैं वह समाहरणालय भवन भी अब तक बनकर तैयार नहीं हो पाया है। जिलाधिकारी के अलावा पुलिस अधीक्षक को अपना आवास भी नसीब नहीं हो पाया है। जिले की सुरक्षा व्यवस्था की जिम्मा जिन पुलिस जवानों के कंधे पर है उसके लिए पुलिस केंद्र को भी भवन नहीं हो पाया है। आधा दर्जन विभागों में स्थायी पदाधिकारी और उनके रहने के लिए सरकारी आवास नहीं है। जिले में जन प्रतिनिधियों एवं अधिकारियों की संवेदनहीनता एवं स्वार्थपूर्ण नीति के कारण अरबों रुपए विकास के नाम पर खर्च हुए लेकिन अनियमितता की शिकायत में कमी नहीं हुई। 03 जुलाई 1994 को तत्कालीन मुख्यमंत्री लालू प्रसाद ने लखीसराय अनुमंडल को जिले का दर्जा प्रदान किया था। तब से अब तक डीएम, एसपी व डीडीसी कलेंडर की तरह बदलते रहे। विकास के नाम पर अनियमित विद्युत आपूर्ति, पेयजल के लिए हाहाकार, ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में बदहाल शिक्षा एवं सड़क विकास का गवाह है। जिला मुख्यालय में डीएफओ कार्यालय, मत्स्य विभाग, राष्ट्रीय बचत, नलकूप विभाग संख्या- 1 आदि विभाग के पदाधिकारियों का पदस्थापन नहीं हो पाया है। वहीं उत्पाद, सहकारिता, खनन, आपूर्ति, परिवहन, कल्याण, सामाजिक सुरक्षा आदि विभागीय कार्यालय वर्तमान में समाहरणालय स्थित पुराने डीआरडीए अनुमंडल एवं एनआईसी भवन में चल रहा है। डीसीएलआर, डीआरडीए निदेशक, डीएसओ आदि पदाधिकारियोंको सरकारी आवास तक उपलब्ध नहीं है। सरकार द्वारा जिले में किशोर न्याय परिषद का गठन किया गया है लेकिन सुधार गृह नहीं है। लखीसराय शहर वर्षो से अतिक्रमण की जाल से निकलने का बाट जोह रहा है। ट्रैफिक व्यवस्था लुंज-पूंज है। अपराधियों के बढ़ते मनोबल एवं नक्सली गतिविधियों ने जिले वासियों की नींद हराम कर दी है। इसके बावजूद प्रशासनिक पदाधिकारी जिले में चौतरफा विकास का दावा कर रहे हैं।
सूत्र :- दैनिक जागरण 

Friday, July 2, 2010

स्थापना दिवस पर कार्यक्रमों की रहेगी धूम

Jul 02, 01:35 am

लखीसराय। आगामी तीन जुलाई को जिला स्थापना दिवस को समारोहपूर्वक मनाने को लेकर गुरुवार को अपर समाहर्ता ने डीएम कार्यालय कक्ष में अधिकारियों के साथ बैठक कर कार्यक्रम की तैयारी को अंतिम रूप दिया। उन्होंने सभी अधिकारियों को स्थापना दिवस समारोह को सफल बनाने के लिये दिये गए टास्क को सफलता पूर्वक पूरा करने का निर्देश दिया। बैठक की जानकारी देते हुए अपर समाहर्ता श्री प्रसाद ने बताया कि तीन जुलाई को जिला का 16 वां स्थापना दिवस समारोह मनाए जाने की तैयारी अंतिम चरण में है। उन्होंने कार्यक्रम की जानकारी देते हुए बताया कि इस मौके पर प्रात: साढ़े छह बजे केआरके उच्च विद्यालय मैदान से समाहरणालय तक एक प्रगति मार्च निकालेगा जिसमें जिले भर के सभी पदाधिकारी, जनप्रतिनिधि आंगबाड़ी सेविका समेत आम लोग शामिल होगे इसके बाद डीआरडीए सभागार में सुबह नौ बजे बाल कार्यक्रम, 11 बजे सेमिनार दो बजे से चार बजे तक गांधी मैदान में ताइक्वांडो एवं फुटबाल मैच का आयोजन किया जायेगा। तथा शाम छह बजे नगर भवन में सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम आयेाजित होंगे। कार्यक्रम में शामिल सभी सफल प्रतिभागियों को जिला प्रशासन की ओर पुरस्कृत किया जायेगा। बैठक में एडीएम ने सभी कार्यक्रम के प्रभारी को आवश्यक दिशा निर्देश भी दिया। बैठक में वरीय उप समाहर्ता मो. तारिक इकबाल, देवेंद्र कुमार, डीईओ कृष्ण कुमार शर्मा, डीएसई राम सागर सिंह, जिला कल्याण पदाधिकारी गिरीश चंद्र पांडेय, गोपनीय शाखा के सतीश कुमार सिन्हा आदि उपस्थित थेi

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bihar Divas (1912- 2010) 98 Year of History

On 22nd March 2010 Bihar  Celebrated his 98th Anniversary.Bihar Founded in 22nd of March 1912 from the separation of Bangal.its very same for us, we are celebrating 1st time Biahr Foundation Day Officially.

A History, Formation of Bihar  :-  
 The state of Bihar owes a great deal for its birth and development to the newspaper 'The Bihar Times' whose publication started in the year 1894 to give a boost to the demand for the separation of Bihar from Bengal which comprised of the the states of Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa and Assam. In this congeries, Bihar was a non-entity as all attention were given to Bengal, Calcutta, being the centre of administration.

After the decisive battle of Buxar, the Emperor, Shah Alam of Delhi throne transferred the diwani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa to East India Company whose centre of activities was Calcutta. As such, there was little education in Bihar and the State was socially, educationally and economically backward and exploited.
It was in the year 1889 that Late Sachchida Nand Sinha went to England for doing Bar-at- Law. There, he became a butt of ridicule when he called himself a Bihari, coming from Bihar which had no existence on the map of the country. This humiliating experience provided a spur to Dr Sinha to strive for a niche and separate identity for the state of Bihar. In 1893, having successfully completed his Bar-at-Law, he returned to Patna and took a vow to rest content only after making Bihar-a separate administrative unit. But the struggle for Bihar like all other struggles also brought stiff opposition in its wake as volatile Bengal was not agreeable to separate identity for Bihar.

Nevertheless, the idea for separation of Bihar started taking shape and for spreading it and eliciting public support in its favour, publication of a weekly journal ''Bihar Times'' was started in the year 1894 with the support and cooperation of Nandkishore Lal of Gaya, Rai Bahadur Shreekrishna Sahay and famous journalist, Mahesh Narain who became its editor. In the initial years, this weekly journal exclusively devoted itself to the struggle for separation of Bihar from Bengal and this movement became widespread. After sometime, Dr S N Sinha and Nandkishore Lal submitted a memorandum on behalf of many local institutions to Lt governor Alexander Mackenji for separation of Bihar from Bengal. In 1906, Rajendra Prasad who was secretary of 'Bihari Club' of Calcutta, organised a conference of Bihari students at Patna in consultation with Sachchida Nand Sinha and Mahesh Narain.
In this conference, a student committe was formed to give fillip to the separatist movement and thus it gained great momentum. In 1907, Mahesh Narayan died but the movement got backing of Maulana Mazrul Haque, Ali Imam, Rai Bahadur Brahmdeo Prasad, Hasan Imam. With their help in 1908, the first convention of Bihar State Sammelan was held at Patna in which a resolution was unanimously passed to separate Bihar from Bengal. The same demand was repeated in its second convention at Bhagalpur in 1909. After a few months of this convention, Dr S.N.Sinha and Mazrul Haque were elected members of Imperial Legislative Council from the quota of Bengal Legislative Council and Muslim minority seat. By this time, the separatist movement had got recognition in the eyes of British administration. It was at that time that the then law member S.P.Sinha resigned from his post and Vice-Roy Lord Minto made Consultation with Dr Sinha to fill up the said post. Dr Sinha suggested the name of Ali Imam who was appointed Law member in place of S.P.Sinha. Ali Imam proved very helpful in furthering and giving legal boost to the idea of separation. In 1911, in Delhi Durbar, George V was going to be declared Emperor of India.On this occasion, the Secretary of India affairs wrote a letter to Govt of India in which he emphasised the demand of the Biharees terming them''healthy and law-abiding who were different to Bengalese in their origin, language, propensities, land and thinking.'' It was also communicated that on 12th December, a Lt governor in council separately for Bihar and Orissa would be appointed. This was announced in the Delhi Durbar to everybody's satisfaction amidst great rejoicings. Thus Bihar and Orissa became separate administrative unit under Lt Governor in council from 1st April,1912. In due course, Orissa was also separated from Bihar from 1st April,1936.

' Bihar Times' played its role effectively, true to its purpose, in educating the masses to struggle for creation of Bihar. This journal took up the cause of Bihar and nourished the idea that the separation of Bihar from Bengal would provide the necessary relief to the Bengal administration which will be convenient to Govt of India and in due course 'Bihar Times' influenced other newspapers of neighbouring states also in moulding them towards the idea of creation of Bihar. With the death of Mahesh Narain, it got a big jolt, nevertheless, the paper continued to come out and much later it took the form of 'Motherland' and it still continues to serve the state of Bihar in its new avatar on internet and thus the history of this paper originates from 19th century and traversing its long journey through 20th century, it will now enter the 21st century after a year with a renewed and added zeal to serve the friends of Bihar in India and abroad in the new age of information technology.
Sources:- Writteb By, Dr Suresh Nandan Sinha 

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bihar Next Education Hub of India

In few Upcoming years Bihar will be the next education Hub of India.Every year lacks of Bihari student Migrate to Bihar for his Fulfillment of Education Need. Many of the Bihari student migrated to Maharashatra,Delhi,Karanataka and etc.If we look at our ancient history Bihar provided education to all over world.Looking at the history of Ancient education System in Bihar.
In the ancient past Bihar was a major center of learning, teaching and research. There were two world-renowned universities i.e. the Nalanda University and the Vikramshila University. The Nalanda University was famed for providing education in Political Science and Economics, while Vikramshila known for education in Tantra. Unfortunately in medieval period this system of education destroyed by invading armies. Later British ruled the country and the area remain neglected.
It was the later part of British rule in India when Bihar saw some revival in education as the British established a University at Patna and some other institutes for higher education, like Science College, Patna, Prince of Wales Medical College (Now Patna Medical College and Hospital), and Bihar Engineering College (Now National Institute of Technology, Patna). However educational growth in the state did not stepped up further as post independence leaders from Bihar failed in establishing educational institutions in the state.

Present Scenario
There is a huge gap in demand and supply of education in the state. This is the reason the students are migrating from the state for receiving education. There is good percentage of pupils studying in institutes of highereducation in other states like Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), Indian Institutes of Management (IIIMs), All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), etc.

The schooling system in Bihar is same as it was during British rule. State government administers state schools in Bihar. There is system of District Schools also called Zila Schools in the State. State schools are affiliated with Bihar School Examination Board.

Now a days there are also good number of schools affiliated with Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and Council for Indian School Certificate Examination (CICSE). These schools include Convent Schools, Kendriya Vidyalayas, and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas. In the post liberalization era the number of private schools, including school-chains and Missionary Schools run by Christian Missionaries as well as Madrasas, or schools run by Muslim clerics has increased. The school-chains and Missionary Schools run by Christian Missionaries are considered as some of the best schools in the state.

For providing higher education Bihar has many universities and colleges like Patna University, National Institute of Technology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences and many others. Range of courses taught like sciences, engineering, law, medicine, mass communication etc.

The literacy rate in Bihar is low as there is huge gap between demand and supply for school education as well as higher education. The state requires more number of schools and institutes for higher education. The Indian Institute of Technology and Nalanda University will soon be set up. With these institutions coming up it is expected that the literacy rate will be higher than it is at present as they will also attract many other educational institutions to set up their branches in the state.

Literacy Rate of Bihar from 1951 to 2001:-

Saturday, February 13, 2010

लखीसराय के 318 गांवों में अब भी टिमटिमा रहे दीये

लखीसराय। राजीव गांधी ग्रामीण विद्युतीकरण योजना (आरजीजीवीवाई) के तहत लखीसराय जिले के हर गांव को बिजली से जगमगाने का सरकार का सपना आधे रास्ते पर ही दम तोड़ता नजर आ रहा है। आजादी के 62 वर्ष बीत जाने के बाद भी जिले में अब तक 318 गांवों में बिजली की रोशनी नहीं पहुंची है। अबतक जिले में कुल 472 गांवों में से मात्र 154 गांवों में ही बिजली है। सरकार द्वारा प्रत्येक गांवों में बिजली पहुंचाना जिले में चुनौती है। वर्ष 2004 से केंद्रीय एजेंसी पावर ग्रिड कारपोरेशन आफ इंडिया इस चुनौती से निपटने का प्रयास कर रही है मगर संवेदकों की लापरवाही एवं विभागीय उदासीनता के कारण जिले में विद्युतीकरण कार्य गति नहीं पकड़ पा रहा है। सरकारी घोषणा के अनुसार वित्तीय वर्ष 2009-10 के अंत तक उन सभी गांवों को बिजली पहुंचाने का लक्ष्य रखा था जहां अभी तक बिजली नहीं पहुंच पायी है। इसमें सिर्फ गरीबी रेखा से नीचे रहने वाले बीपीएल परिवारों के घरों को बिजली कनेक्शन देने की योजना थी। विभाग के ताजे आंकड़े बताते हैं कि वास्तविक स्थिति लक्ष्य से काफी दूर है। विद्युत विभाग कार्यालय से प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार जिले में 207 विद्युतीकरण गांव के अलावा 111 बेचिरागी गांव हैं जहां आज तक बिजली नहीं पहुंची। कार्यपालक अभियंता कुमार रामबालक के अनुसार पावर ग्रिड कारपोरेशन आफ इंडिया के द्वारा 175 गांवों के विद्युतीकरण का कार्य 2004 में मिला। वर्तमान में जिले के 150 गांवों में विद्युत पोल गाड़ने एवं तार खीचने का कार्य प्रगति पर है। टाल एवं दियारा योजना के तहत जिले के 28 गांवों का चयन 2002-2003 में चयन कर बिजली पहुंचाने का कार्य शुरू हुआ। जिसमें दियारा क्षेत्र के 13 गांवों तक बिजली पहुंच गयी। टालक्षेत्र के 15 गांवों में कार्य जारी है। कार्यपालक अभियंता श्री रामबालक के अनुसार जिले के रामगढ़ चौक प्रखंड के औरे गांव में 33/11 केवी का विद्युत शक्ति उपकेंद्र कार्य जारी है।
Danik Jagran

Friday, January 29, 2010

Bihar can achieve 20% growth: CM

PATNA: With enough cooperation from the Centre, Bihar can scale greater heights and could even achieve a growth of 20 per cent in GDP, said chief minister Nitish Kumar. According to Nitish this laggard state could soon be a developed state, only if the Centre could contribute to the state's kitty as per the expectation of his government.

"In any case, it's our committment and mission to make Bihar a developed state by 2015 whether we get help from the Centre or not," Nitish said. The chief minister was speaking at a function to felicitate him for being conferred the 'Business Reformer of the Year Award', organised by the business and trade community of Bihar on Monday.

The event was organised by the Bihar Chamber of Commerce (BCC) and representatives of various bodies of the state.

Addressing the BCC members, Nitish warned that attempts could be made to undo all the good work done by his government in the development of the state, which has created a good image of the state within and outside the country.

"A major achievement of my government, which stirred the conscience of the nation, is the CSO findings projecting Bihar's GDP at 11.3%," Nitish said. Nitish spoke about the real estate boom in the state, which according to him was an indicator of the state's growth.

"In any case, the Business Reformer award would be meaningless if no investment comes to Bihar," the chief minister said. He said with elections due he wouldn't like to decieve the people of Bihar who have pinned so much hope on him.

"I am sure no one will like to go back to the dark days of Bihar where one lived under constant terror and was compelled to retire home soon after the sunset," he said. BCC chairman P K Agarwal said that many more business and trade organisations wanted to honour the CM but due to paucity of time representatives of only 20 bodies could attend the function.

A documentary of the award ceremony held in Mumbai on December 20 was shown to the gathering. The organisaitons that felicitated Nitish included Chamber of Commerce & Industries of Bhagalpur, Ara, Muzaffarpur, Darbhanga, Chapra, Begusarai, Jehanabad, Hajipur, Lakhisarai, Madhubani, Danapur, Katihar, Nalanda, Fatuha, Chemist & Druggist Assocaition, Khadyan Vyasayi Sangh, New Market Dukandar Samiti and Hathwa Market Vyasayi Sangh.
Times Of India

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pride and Prejudice

Who carries you on a rickshaw or an autorickshaw in Delhi? Biharis. Who drives the cars of Delhiites? Biharis. Who built the Delhi Metro Biharis. (You may not agree with the last one.)

Who is building the new houses and the expanding suburbs of Delhi? Biharis. Who made Punjab the most prosperous state in the country? The answer again is Biharis. (Here too you may not agree.)

The credit for building the Delhi Metro or making Punjab prosperous will never go to Biharis. Does anyone ever say that blacks built America?

In colonial days, Bihar supplied the girmitiya, or indentured, labourers who built countries like Mauritius, Suriname and Fiji. A bulk of the labour employed in the Raj capital of Calcutta came from Bihar. After Independence Bihari workers flocked to places like Delhi, Punjab and Mumbai.

At the same time, Biharis excelled in other fields. Many became great political leaders, ICS and IAS officers, scientists, doctors, engineers, writers and artists. Delhi and other Indian cities attracted huge white-collar Bihari populations and Biharis formed a large part of the Indian diaspora of professionals.

But in the eyes of the rest of India, “Bihari” had come to mean a labourer, a person doing menial jobs. It had become a term of scorn and contempt. In their anglicized lingo, places like Delhi University turned the word into “Harry”, but the pejorative tone remained unmistakable.

Heaping scorn on the working classes is a universal phenomenon. That is how words like Negro, Paki (used for Pakistanis and Indians in Britain) and some of the words denoting dalit castes in India earned contemptuous connotations.

In fact, while Biharis were getting their hands dirty on Punjab’s farms, Punjabis were migrating in hordes to the US, Canada, the UK and Australia. Never mind that they would take up blue-collar jobs as taxi drivers, petrol pump attendants and waiters in those faraway lands.

As the years passed, many of the Biharis who had come to Punjab or Mumbai as manual labourers started moving up the economic ladder as did the blue-collar Indian emigrants abroad. A usually unnoticed aspect of the so-called racial attacks against Indians abroad is the threat the rise of working classes poses to the entrenched social order. This accentuates the contempt they face. From this angle, the attacks on Biharis in Punjab, and Mumbai, and the attacks on Indians abroad are manifestations of the same phenomenon.

What stopped Biharis from bringing about a green revolution or building a Metro in Bihar? The answer is geography and history. Geography, because ravaged by floods, the land of Bihar was unable to feed its growing population. And history, because what was the centre of the biggest Indian empire in ancient times was reduced to an obscure provincial existence. The skewed landownership system introduced by the British rulers worsened the situation.

Things could have improved after Independence had the political leadership of Bihar been able to exert influence on the rulers in New Delhi to get enough funds for development projects and set off a process of industry in the state.
On the contrary, Bihar continued to live the same, conveniently ignored, provincial existence. A system built on casteism, nepotism, corruption and crime came to dominate the state. It spawned a neo-rich class of netas, babus, contractors and government engineers who would build palatial houses for themselves with the money meant for dams, power projects, ration for the poor or even fodder for cattle.

The money meant for roads and public amenities would go into their bank accounts. No wonder, the roads in front of those houses would be full of ditches and become the playground of pigs every monsoon.

With limited options of higher education and hardly any employment opportunities in the state, the youth of Bihar started looking out. They flooded places like Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University. They started dominating the country’s toughest competitions like the IIT-JEE and the civil services exam. With this success, Biharis started believing they had the best brains. The world began to grudgingly acknowledge their capabilities.
Academic success, however, did not do much to rid the word “Bihari” of the scorn it had gathered. People in Delhi continued to laugh at those who spoke with a Bihari accent. Those without an accent would get this compliment: “Oh, you are from Bihar? But you don’t sound like a Bihari.”

Biharis, meanwhile, were retreating into a shell, with little but the historic glory of Buddha, Mahavira, Chandragupta, Chanakya, Ashoka, Aryabhatta, Guru Gobind Singh and Sher Shah to bask in. Now comes 11% growth. The state can recover from the damage it has suffered over hundreds of years only if such a high rate of growth can be sustained for many, many years. Then Biharis would not have to till others' land or build cities and countries elsewhere.

The writer is proud to be a Bihari
Vinay Pandey, TNN, 10 January 2010, 12:15am IST
Link:- Special Report On Times of India 10-01-2010

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Bihar, a growth story

Roads “as smooth as Hema Malini’s cheeks” was a promise that Lalu Yadav had once given to the people of Bihar. Ironically, it is his rival Nitish Kumar who seems to be delivering on that front. Despite three years of floods followed by a year of drought, ‘backward and benighted’ Bihar reports a miraculous figure: 11% GDP growth, second only to Gujarat. The state’s economy has never grown so fast so consistently as it has since 2004-2005. A few pointers on what’s going right in Bihar:

* Getting anywhere in Bihar has always been an exercise in endurance. But that’s changing. More than 6,800 km of roads have been relaid and 1,600 bridges and culverts constructed in the last four years. Journey time in India’s 12th largest state, sprawling over 94,163 sq km, has been cut by half today in many places. Now, most of the state’s 38 districts — from northernmost West Champaran to Kaimur on the western end — are a drive of six hours or less from Patna.

* Automobile sales
in the state grew 45% in 2009, at a time when sales had dipped 20-25% in several other states during the economic slowdown. Is this buying spree an indication that a section of Biharis have more money to splurge than they did earlier? “A few people had money earlier too, but they didn’t flaunt it for fear of attracting extortionists and kidnappers,” says Ranjit Singh, director of a high-end Patna hotel. That fear may have evaporated now.

* Only 317 kidnappings for ransom were reported during the last four years as against 1,393 during the previous four. The kidnapping industry has clearly fallen on hard times. One indication of this is that doctors no longer refuse to go to patients’ homes on emergency calls. “Today you can see boards at clinics saying we go on calls,” says Dr Amulya Kumar Singh, who runs a nursing home in Patna.

* Most of Bihar’s infamous dons are behind bars. That includes Mohd Shahabuddin, the former RJD MP who had once gone live on TV, daring the state police chief to arrest him. Things are a little different now. A ruling JD(U) MLA, Sunil Pandey, attempted an encore of sorts in early 2006 when he brandished a revolver and talked murder on TV. But Pandey found himself behind bars within no time. Speedy trials have ensured a total of 38,824 convictions between 2006 and September 2009.The convicts included dons and their henchmen.

* Gun-toting strongmen are no longer a common sight on the streets of Bihar. Policemen patrol them now. And places like Siwan, where Shahabuddin once held sway, do not get deserted after dusk.

This improvement has shown results. Malls, shops and private educational institutions are coming up. So are mobile service providers and banking firms. It’s boom time for real estate with apartment buildings coming up all around. “That’s because even non-Biharis for a change want to have a foot in Bihar which has become a better place to live in,” says economist Shaibal Gupta of the Asian Development Research Institute. Adds Faizal Alam of Kalyanpur Cements, “Cement inflow to the state went up 18% to 51 lakh tonnes in 2008-09.” That’s an indicator of the construction boom.

Ironically, this economic growth has happened without any worthwhile contribution from the manufacturing sector. The state’s economy is growing because of a boom in agriculture and services sectors. “It’s government-induced growth,” admits Bihar Industries Association (BIA) president S P Sinha. According to former BIA president K P S Keshri, private investments in the manufacturing sector have been as little as Rs 1,500 crore during the last four years.

Many attribute the growth to the fact that the flow of Central funds to states has increased manifold in recent years. In the case of Bihar, it went up from Rs 37,341 crore during the five-year period 2000-2005 to Rs 55,459 crore during the next three years. But equally importantly, the funds are now getting better utilized than during the Lalu-Rabri regime when large chunks remained unspent. Also, adds Gupta, the state made concerted efforts to mobilise internal resources with its own revenue collection going up from Rs 2,919 crore in 2003-04 to Rs 5,256 crore in 2008-09.

The flip side is that much of this growth does not get reflected in social indicators which remain abysmal. But, as Gupta says, it would be unrealistic for anyone to “expect the moon” at this stage. “Right now the fundamentals are getting corrected and therefore you can find mostly infrastructural indicators of growth; one will have to wait for social indicators to become visible,” he says.

While contractors and realtors stand to gain, more than half the state’s 8.2 crore people — 1.25 crore families — still live below the poverty line. For these families to prosper, Bihar desperately needs huge investments and more growth. The State Investment Promotion Board, formed by the Nitish government, has received proposals worth Rs 96,000 crore. But most of them, especially the major ones, remain on paper as Central rules prove a stumbling block. For instance, thermal power plants cannot come up in Bihar because the Centre has so far refused to provide coal linkages to ensure regular supplies to any such new plant.

Also, Bihar has a lot of catching up to do with the rest of India. “There cannot be any comparison between Gujarat and Bihar, both of which reportedly grew by over 11%; since our base is low, even a small investment results in impressive growth in percentage,” Gupta points out. State officials admit that crucial sectors like health are still sick with meagre resources in comparison to other states.

From its bleak past, Bihar may be finally moving towards a brighter future, but the common Bihari is not patting himself just yet. Maybe he is still waiting for this high growth to translate into better food on his table and more money in his pocket.
Link:- Times of India 10-01-2010

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Apurv gourav...The Extraordinary....: ET Awards 2008-09: Business Reformer of the Year- Nitish Kumar

Apurv gourav...The Extraordinary....: ET Awards 2008-09: Business Reformer of the Year- Nitish Kumar

ET Awards 2008-09: Business Reformer of the Year- Nitish Kumar

Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar is the Economic Times Business Reformer of the Year. The jury members were unanimous in their choice, giving Mr Nitish Kumar, Chief Minister, Bihar.Mr.Kumar’s performance a higher rating than Delhi chief minister Sheila Dixit.

The national calamity in Bihar following the Kosi river changing its course highlights the state of affairs in Bihar, once rated as the best in administration. Since taking over as the state chief minister, Nitish Kumar has been trying to rebuild the system of governance that has virtually broken down.

When the Janata Dal (United)-BJP alliance came to power in Bihar in 2005, it was heralded as the beginning of a new chapter in the history of the state.

Ending Lalu Prasad Yadav family’s 15-year reign, Nitish Kumar became the chief minister, with a promise to turn the state around. Three years on, Mr Kumar seems to be on track, although Bihar might take a while to show results.

The JD (U) leader, who is often referred to as the state’s last hope, wants to make Bihar a developed state by 2015. Bihar being primarily an agricultural state, Mr Kumar has been stressing on agro-based industries.

He believes this will help in keeping land acquisition to a minimum. The chief minister has gone to the extent of saying that he does not want SEZs in the state and his government has identified agro-processing, handloom and textiles, handicrafts, pharmaceuticals and leather as areas with comparative advantage.

The other areas where he has made a good start are employment generation and infrastructure development. He beat other states to put in place an employment-guarantee programme for agricultural labourers, which promises 80 days of work, in addition to the 100 days mandated by the National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme.
His government has adopted a new poverty measurement method, so that a bulk of the families living below the poverty line could be identified and have schemes targeted at them. His goal to develop roads in Bihar has been tagged to a three-year timeline, by when he hopes to have Bihar rival the best road networks in India.

Even on the administrative front, there are several big tasks waiting for his attention. For almost 15 years, Bihar didn’t even have a proper budget.

Mr Kumar has also identified promotion of investment opportunities as equally important. With poor infrastructure and the absence of long-term policies hindering private investment, he has kickstarted a series of legislative and administrative reforms. A new industrial policy was put in place in 2006, as was the Bihar Infrastructure Development Enabling Act. A new policy for the sugar processing sector — an important crop in the state — was also brought in.

The new industrial policy makes land available at concessional rates and promises reimbursement of 80% of VAT deposited. And these initiatives seem to have paid off, with the government receiving proposals from a number of big sugar manufacturers. An industrial complex with sugar mills, ethanol and power generation plants has been cleared. Measures to revive the textile industry have also been pushed through. With the state relying almost entirely on the Centre for its power needs, Bihar plans to put up new thermal and hydel power plants.
25 Aug 2009, 0547 hrs IST, ET Bureau

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Bihar grew by 11.03%, next only to Gujarat

Bihar is India's new miracle economy. In the five-year period between 2004-05 and 2008-09, Bihar's GDP has grown by a stunning 11.03%, way beyond the definition of 7% growth for a ``miracle economy''.

In this period, Bihar - traditionally a laggard state that actually saw a 5.15% negative growth in 2003-04 - is the second fastest growing state, just a shade behind Gujarat's well-publicized growth of 11.05%.

The latest CSO data gives out this dramatic story of Bihar on steroids. This high growth period also coincides with Nitish Kumar taking up the reins as chief minister from Lalu Yadav. It can, therefore, be said that good governance can work miracles for even the most backward of states. Not just Bihar, most of the traditionally backward states, including Orissa, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, have done well in this period, indicating a more inclusive growth at an all-India level.

There is no official data on poverty beyond 2004-05. So, the CSO data on the economic growth of the states, highlighting the fact that five of India's most backward states have grown at a rate beyond 7%, provides pointers to some kind of poverty mitigation. Apart from Bihar, the growth rate of the other four are: Uttarakhand 9.31%, Orissa 8.74% and Jharkhand 8.45%. The all-India growth during this period was 8.49%.
TNN 3 January 2010, 12:48am IST

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