Sunday, September 20, 2009

कहीं बंजर न हो जाये दाल का कटोरा

Sep 17,2009
लखीसराय। प्रकृति की लीला भी गजब की है। लखीसराय जिले के किसान अभी सुखाड़ की दंश से उबर भी नहीं पाये की रबी व दलहन फसल के उत्पादन पर ग्रहण लगता दिख रहा है। दाल का कटोरा के नाम से देश में मशहूर बड़हिया मोकामा टाल क्षेत्र की उपजाऊ भूमि बंजर होने के कगार पर है। 1064 वर्ग किलोमीटर में फैले टाल क्षेत्र में इस बार जल जमाव नहीं होने से जंगली घास उग आये हैं। इस घास को ट्रैक्टर की जुताई कर भी हटाया नहीं जा सकता है। ऐसी स्थिति में किसान करे क्या एक अहम सवाल है।

कृषि विशेषज्ञों के अनुसार ये जंगली घास बेड़नी, घोरोंच, सुगग्बा, कैरी, कन्दा आदि नाम से जाने जाते हैं जिसकी जड़ें काफी मजबूत होती है। इसका संपूर्ण विनाश जल जमाव से ही संभव है। हालांकि इसे दवा छिड़काव के जरिये भी सुखाया जा सकता है किंतु वह दवा काफी मंहगी है। कृषि वैज्ञानिक डा. आफताब ने कहा है कि राउण्ड अप नामक दवा के छिड़काव के जरिये उक्त प्रजाति के घास को सुखाया जा सकता है। लेकिन वह दवा काफी महंगी के साथ स्थानीय बाजार में उपलब्ध नहीं है। अब स्थिति यह बन गई है कि किसान अपनी खेतों में रबी और दलहन की बुआई का कार्य नहीं कर सकेंगे। इस कारण वे अपने भाग्य को कोस रहे हैं।

विदित हो कि लखीसराय, शेखपुरा, नालंदा एवं पटना जिले से सटा 1064 वर्ग किलोमीटर में फैला बड़हिया-मोकामा टाल क्षेत्र में मुख्यत: दलहनी फसल चना, मटर, खेसारी, मसूर की खेती होती है। 95 फीसदी आबादी मुख्य रूप से खेती पर निर्भर है। किसानों के अनुसार आश्रि्वन माह बीतने को है लेकिन टाल क्षेत्र अब तक पानी से डूब नहीं पाया है। टालक्षेत्र के कोनी, पथरा, घाघा भीतरय, रकसहर, घोरघाट, पाली, कोहबरा, कटिहारी,नहरा, सकरी, बंडर, हसराज, सरौरा, बरौरा आदि दर्जनों महालों में हजारों हेक्टेयर भूमि पर जहां अभी रबी और दलहन की खेती होती वहां जंगली घास उगे है। किसानों की मानें तो उक्त घास को कटवाने में डेढ़ हजार रूपये प्रति बीघा खर्च होंगे। फिर भी वह जड़ से समाप्त नहीं होगा। बगैर घास कटाये फसल लगाना संभव नहीं है। कार्तिक महीने के चित्रा नक्षत्र में भी अगर बारिश नहीं हुई तो किसानों को दाल व रोटी के भी लाले पड़ेंगे। कृषि वर्ष में किसानों को आत्मनिर्भर बनाने, सुखाड़ से निपटने एवं सिंचाई की उत्तम व्यवस्था करने के तमाम सरकारी और प्रशासनिक दावे स्थानीय किसानों के लिए छलावा सिद्ध हो रहा है।

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Magadh Stock Exchange

Magadh Stock Exchange Association (MSEA) was established in the year 1986 at Patna. MESA was registered under the Companies Act, 1956 as a company limited by guarantee.

Within four years, i.e. by 1999-2000, the exchange had a total of 199 brokers, out of which 15 were corporate brokers. Among 199 brokers, it was further classified as 183 proprietor brokers, 1 partnership broker and 5 corporate brokers. Then, there were only 2 sub-brokers registered.

The company was corporatised and demutualised on September, 2005 in accordance with the provisions of the Securities
Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956.

Magadh Stock Exchange signed a memorandum of understanding with the Calcutta Stock Exchange which enables MSE to provide online CSEs trading facility to its brokers in Patna.

Magadh Stock Exchange Office
Ashiana Plaza
9th Floor, Budh Marg
Patna 800 001
Tel.: +(91)-(612)-223644, 222852
Fax: +(91)-(612)-220960

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Investment Possibilities in Bihar and Role of NRIs

Investment Possibilities in Bihar and Role of NRIs

(This article was translated into Hindi by Prabhat Khabar and published on July 11-07)

Bihar is on the path of progress. The new regime in Bihar is taking serious effort in this direction and progresses have been in almost sectors like Infrastructures (Roads, Electricity), Primary & Higher education and more than that progress have been made of even modus- vivendi of common man. In my recent India visit during April-May, 2007, I found that in buses, trains, pan shops, tea shops, hotels and restaurants, people has started about talking about development in Bihar and new perspectives in the changed environment. Even law & order of the state has improved; now you can roam in Patna till late night and other parts of Bihar also that fear has gone. Local businessman community and educated community are now doing have been activated to do some things for the state.

In the changed environment, Now international business community and NRIs have golden opportunity to invest in Bihar ; Educated class of Bihar have now better chance to look back to their motherland and start helping people of Bihar in their own way; start giving support to local entrepreneurs and can work for entrepreneurship development among youths.

This article is aimed to explore those areas where NRIs /NRBs can pay their attention. Let’s call spade and spade and differentiate between working NRIs (NRIs who are employee of any company, organization, R&D institute or University) and NRIs who are an employer and businessman.

What working NRIs/NRBs/Scientists and Professors can do?

In my view, all erudite of Bihar who are working class living in different parts of Country and abroad can have better chance in following:

1. Financial helps: They can take School and colleges for their infrastructure development as their pilot project, they can help in establishing R&D centers in Bihar to build working environment in the state.

2. Help Talents and Help needy talents:
Bihar is well known for genius brains; there is no doubt about it, but what I feel that there are big gap between rich and poor. Rich people can send their children outside or even give beter education in Bihar but poor after certain extent doesn’t have capability to continue their education. We all need to help all those students. For that either they can explore individual way or can go for society for giving their plan.
BiharBrains has started BiharBrains Talents search scheme where any NRIs can give their plan to help needy talents and BB will be only the agent to executing it .
Recently some schemes have been started by BiharBrains. To name a few, Sri (Late) Anil kumar singh yojna for needy children (for the dist of Gaya), Janipur school yojna has already been started by the society. This is to be noted here that this society is a platform of NRIs/NRBs and has chapters in 18 places in India and abroad.

3. Providing consultancy for enormous opportunities in Abroad:
I do feel that the students of Bihar have less acquaintance about opportunities in abroad. They can be very helpful in building their career and providing guidance in abroad.
BiharBrains is the best platform for doing this activity. Here everybody can take free online membership and help, guide those students.

What Business community/NRIs Business man can do?

Post global meet has played significant role in making new business environment in the state. Here are the following regionwise sectors where business community of India, particularly from Bihar who are living in India and abroad can start their business or help others to invest in the state.

A. Patna Region: Patna has great potential in Finance, Trade & Commerce, Entertainment & Media, Tourism, Dairy Technology, IT and R&D Companies where
Patna can be the best choice of investors.Patna can be the city of education and higher learning along with center for R&D.
NRIs and business community may think about establishing R&D centers in the field of embedded technology, nanotechnology, Bio technology and physical sciences where Bihar has great achievers.
Recently Dept of Science & Technology has revived its Technical education policy and made rule for private partnership program (PPP) under which govt can give full support to any who wants to invest in Bihar in terms of space, Bank loans and mutual partnership with govt. This is the best time to grab this opportunity.

In Dairy Technology, Patna and Muzaffarpur have shown its potential and this is the only industries in Bihar which has excellent track record in terms of profits. NRIs can invest in diaries industries in Bihar.

B. Vaishali & Muzaffarpur bound areas:
Hajipur can be the good place for Tourism (Vaishali), Manufacturing Industries, and food processing industries because of nearness from the state capital and open space for the big industries.
In fruits exports (Litchi, Mango and Banana), both city can be developed as center and there are large possibility of opening export –import company in this area where investment from private sector is required.
NRIs and Business man can try for the possibility of these industries in this region of Bihar

C. Sitamarhi & Raxaul:
Sitamarhi can be the best destination for tourism and can attract Hindu religious people as it is the birth place of Hindu Goddess Sita. The govt and private agencies should come forward to develop this city and bound areas. This district is also good in Sugar Industry. Riga Sugar Factory, near Sitamarhi is well known which should be given more importance and revived by govt. Other non govt agencies should come for the investment in sugar industries in this district.
In Litchi production, Sitamarhi is second best after Muzaffarpur. Raxaul can be developed for the international trade with India and Nepal.

D. Darbhanga: This region can be developed as good place for floriculture and horticulture. Pan, Makhan and Machhali (fish) are three important things for the people in Mithila region. People of whole Mithila are known for their brilliancies since ancient times.
As whole Darbhanga, Madhubani, Saharsha and Supaul has large no of ponds, fishery industries can be developed. There is immediate need of Establishment of Fishery Research Institute at Darbhanga.

F. Samastipur: This dist is famous for Famous for Khaini (Tambaku) production and Wheat. This needs to be more advertised as it is cash crops. The establishment of sugar industry in this dist will be good option for the investors.

G. Bhagalpur Region:
Bhagalpur has great potential in Silk Industry, Textile, Handloom & Handicraft, Gems & Jewelry, and Furniture & Artifacts etc. This city should be popularized and advertised as “Silk city of India” .This region is also be developed for tourism as same as Nalanda. Vikramshila can be the good spot for the tourist.
H. Begusarai: Begusarai district in known for the industries in the field of petroleum, chemical, petrochemical integrate complex including upstream & downstream industry. Presently only govt has its own industry in this field but this dist needs more investment by private sector.

I. Purnia and Katihar Region:
This dist is good in agro based industry like Jute, Leather and allied products, animal products, fisheries, poultry. The entrepreneurship can be developed in the youths of this district so 38 as they can earn huge amount of Money from this sector.

J. Munger Region: can be developed Electrical & Mechanical Hardware Industry,and Heavy Industry etc.And also can be in Education sector.
K. Gaya, Nalanda & all Budhist Cicuit Regions:
No need to say much about this Buddhist circuit. Because of internal terrorism this dist has got bad name. Because of tourist attraction, there are plenty of opportunities in hotel industry in Gaya, Rajgir, Pawauri, Nalanda, Patna, Fatuha where much money can be earned from the foreigners. Nalanda will be center for world tourism particularly after revival of Nalanda University which is on full swing.
Here business opporunties are enormous where NRIs can invest and start development process in the state.
L. Bhojpur Region: Bhojpur Region of Bihar can be developed as the center agriculture .ifgovt pays attention; this has potential to produce wheat and paddy as Punjab and Haryana produces.
In the above mentioned district wise investment opportunities is based on my personal experience and after talking to many business and educated communities of Bihar.
In a nutshell, we can say that Bihar has enormous opportunities in Higher education & Research, Tourism and hotel industry at Tourist spots, Agro-based industries and their export-import units, Food processing units’ etc where Bihar can give model to the nation in building strong India and developed nation by 2020.
All NRIs /NRBs/Business Communities can give a thought for these sectors for investments in Bihar in a changed environment.

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Monday, May 11, 2009

candidates for Munger constituency

List of candidates for Munger constituency(Election 2009)
Name Sex Age Category Party Address
(1)MANNU MAHTO M 32 GEN Bahujan Samaj Party VILL-Sitarampur P.O.-Rachiyahi Kachahri Tola,P.S.
- Matihani,Begusarai
(2)RAJIV RANJAN SINGH ALIAS LALAN SINGH M 55 GEN Janata Dal (United) 50-Budha Colony,,Patna-800001
(3)RAM BADAN ROY M 54 GEN Rashtriya Janata Dal Vill- Ramdiri Tola,Ramchiyahi Purana Tola P.O-B.T.P.S.
(4)RAM LAKHAN SINGH M 51 GEN Indian National Congress Vill- Bihat, Ibrahimpur Tola,PS- Barouni,Begusarai
(5)KUNDAN KUMAR M 33 GEN Bharatiya Jantantrik Janta Dal Shivpuri Tikiya Toli,Musallahpur Haat, Mahindru Anchal,
Patna Sadar PS- Sultanganj,Post- Mahindru-800006
(6)PRAMOD KUMAR SINGH M 40 GEN Akhil Bharatiya Desh Bhakt Morcha Vill-Gandhipur, PO- Bariyarpur,PS-Bariyarpur,Munger
(7)BIPIN KUMAR PASWAN M 26 SC Navbharat Nirman Party Moh- Walipur, Ward No-24 House No-79,PO & PS-
(8)RAMENDRA MOHAN RAJESH M 37 GEN Rashtra Sewa Dal Vill & PO- Maheshpur,PS-Muffasil,Munger
(9)LOKNATH KUSHWAHA M 64 GEN Bharatiya Momin Front Vill- Sundarpur,PO-Basudeopur,Munger
(10)UCHIT KUMAR M 36 GEN Independent Gaari Vishanpur,PO & PS- Piri Bazar,Lakhisarai
(11)UMA SHANKAR BHAGAT ALIAS TUNTUN BHAIYA M 46 GEN Independent House No-12 Maharajganj,PO & PS- Jamui,Jamui-811307
(12)NARESH MAHTO M 36 GEN Independent Vill- Barhi Tola Ward No-16,PO & PS- Mokama,Patna
(13)PRAMOD KUMAR M 42 GEN Independent Vill- Rampur,,PO & PS- Jamalpur,Munger-811214
(14)BRAHMANAND MANDAL M 55 GEN Independent Garden Bazar,Bekapur,Munger
(15)RAJENDRA PRASAD SINGH M 59 GEN Independent Vill- Garhi Vishanpur,PS- Lakhisarai,Lakhisarai
(16)RADHIKA RAMAN SINGH M 58 GEN Independent Vill- Safipur, Bhirha,PO-Amarpur PS-Medni Chowki,Lakhisarai
(17)RAMDEO SINGH YADAV M 59 GEN Independent Vill- Khoja Bazar,PO- Munger PS- Kasim Bazar,Munger
(18)SHANKAR LAL CHOKHANI M 51 GEN Independent Vill & PO- Barhiya,Dist- Lakhisarai,Lakhisarai-811302
(19)SHAILENDRA KUMAR M 40 GEN Independent Vill- Ghoswari,PO-Dhanakdov via Mokama,Patna
(20)SURYODAY PASWAN M 35 SC Independent Vill- Burhanpur,PO-Mubarakpur PS- Barh,Patna

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Ashok Dham

This is a photograph of Ashok dham (Sri indra damneshwar mahadeo temple).Ashok dham is a very beautiful place. This temple is in Lakhisarai distt. This temple has very huge black colour shivling. Now Ashok dham temple is underconstruction.

Nearest reilway station:- Mankatha halt (2km)
Lakhisarai (8km)
Kiul Jn.(10km)

Very soon i will give you the update of this temple. History of the Ashok dham.

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